Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Contemplations on Savannah, GA

On top of meeting all the people and the wonderful welcome extended by the DLA2011 I felt a sense of belonging I was not expecting. OK, I'm corny, but think about the movie "Muppets from Space." There's a scene near the end when one of the characters experiences a reunion with "his people", people he didn't know before, and didn't know existed. I was reminded of that scene today at the closing luncheon of the Distance Learning Administrator's Annual conference in beautiful Savannah, Georgia.

Of course it was terrifically affirming to learn that the keynote speaker is an ION fan and included ION materials in his DLA toolbox handout. It was also great fun to run across friends of ION now serving Colorado Technical University and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. Then there are all the people from around the south and around the world I met and had a chance to share ION with.

To top it all off, I treated myself to a Segway tour of historic Savannah and thoroughly enjoyed that. I'm hooked! Met a couple who Segway tour everywhere they go if it's available. Talk about a memorable trip....oh, I guess I am. ...till the next time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Almost Summer updates

There have been updates to the pricing for Founding members and program additions to the MVCR program. We've survived the 2011 Faculty Summer Institute and I am working on the program for the Fall IAECT conference.

Open Educational Resources continues to be a hot topic, along with mobile technologies, and online learning in general.

The COLA program has been warmly received and has several people pursuing it as a loosely formed first cohort.

We've granted more than 530 MOTs and there have been more than 6500 successful MVCR participants.