Friday, August 8, 2014

New posts going to the site

In an effort to consolidate some workflow and integrate the ION Today blog with the ION 'brand' at the University of Illinois, new posts are going to a different site. See and follow the link for the rest of the post and to comment.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I have recently come to realize that there are at least three different professional associations in the region who are eager to add members. I'm borrowing from their sites to get the messages right.

One is an organization I have joined after some years of encouragement by a former colleague. Perhaps you would consider joining me in the The Illinois Association for Educational Communications and Technology ( IAECT ) - dedicated to the improvement of teaching and learning through the effective use of media, technology, and telecommunications. The Illinois AECT chapter has it's 2011 conference approaching on October 7 at Kishwaukee Community College in Malta, IL. See the website or contact me for further information.

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and development professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 125 U.S. chapters and with more than 20 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.

The US Distance Learning Association serves the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking and opportunity. We will help you stay connected and ahead of trends in learning — distance learning , e-learning, mobile learning, computer-based training (CBT), web-based training (WBT), instructor-led training (ILT), online training, online learning, blended learning, classroom training, and webinars.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

More on the future

Just read this post from Seth Godin (OK, so it's from Sept of 2010, I'm behind on my reading.)

I keep saying how online learning requires transformation of those of us who presume to take what we know and use online technologies to teach them. Godin reminds us all that pretty much the same thing applies to the rest of the world, at least economically speaking. I'm reminded that my one, most embarrassing undergraduate grade was in economics though I may be more intrigued and fascinated by economics than by engineering.

Godin closes his post with "The sad irony is that everything we do to prop up the last economy (more obedience, more compliance, cheaper yet average) gets in the way of profiting from this one."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blogging...explained For people who wonder what the application of blogging might be to online learning, Dabbs has a perspective.

Writing is the ticket, of course. Without student writing and blog interaction, there is little reason to bother. Yet writing and interaction are increasingly important parts of more of our courses.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Maybe I'm not the heretic I feared I was

Clayton Christensen and Henry Eyring posted a discussion in today's Chronicle that the traditional university can and should be changed from the inside out. I like the concise identification of the three roles of the traditional university, discovery of knowledge, preserving cultural memories, and mentoring the next generation.

Yet, they see today's traditional university in a perilous position. I feel, maybe too often, that my thoughts and viewpoints are heretical. I'm too far off the edge, perhaps. But Christensen and Eyring state "One thing we've got to come to grips with is the power of online technology and the opportunity to enhance the way we teach." It's nice to hear someone else saying this kind of stuff. The bottom line for so many institutions will be self evaluation and transformation. Prune away that which is necessary for survival. Recognize the value of teaching to the university's mission. Adapt or perish.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Curious how certain comments can contaminate concepts

In a commentary on the Chronicle site this week (here) Benjamin Ginsberg assails the practice of writing strategic plans as a self-serving exercise in executive/administrative nonsense. This is a big topic; He makes some good points. My issue for the moment, however, is that I am concerned that the argument implicitly undermines anything done for it's strategic value. Quick point of distinction: tactics are actions used for specific, timely purposes. Strategies are big picture conceptualizations of goal fulfillment. Ginsberg notes an exceptional bit of leadership at the University of Illinois in its 2007 strategic plan. Ginsberg's overall slant however is to herald the failure of American universities to maintain intellectual rigor by increasing the number and power of administrators and decreasing faculty influence.

ION's core value to its many widespread members and friends is as a strategic partner in faculty development. This value is expressed as the element of higher learning accreditation focused on faculty training and support. Making smart decisions toward the long term goals of improving the skills and abilities of the universities faculty members will always be a good thing. It will never be a transient whim that comes and goes with presidents or deans.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Everyone is all atwitter?

Between Netflix, Google+, Facebook, and the heat, there sure is a lot to talk about this week.

I have spent a surprising amount of mental energy pondering the new Google+ "circles" strategy and how it relates to something many of us have become at least vaguely familiar with, Facebook friends. Then, of course, there are the real life phenomena of friends, associates, acquaintances, colleagues, coworkers, neighbors, classmates, family (immediate, distant, or otherwise), and more. Social posturing, political correctness, being nice....we've got names for those things too, right?

I wonder if part the reason Google+ is taking off like this is that it explicitly asks us to categorize the nature of our associations with others. {insert "scientific explanation of human relationships" about here}

Then there are the MOOCs out there. Massive Open Online Course. I'm in #edumooc right now and finding it really hard to focus on it and stay with it. There are so many directions to go, so many options to pursue. I'm sure it's really fun and exciting for some.

Till next time,